Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) and preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) is testing for genetic abnormalities in an embryoprior to transferring it to the uterus. PGD and PGS is a new technology that combines the possibilities of genetic diagnostics and reproductive technology. The study is carried out at an early stage of embryo development, therefore this procedure is only available within IVF or ICSI programs. The main advantage of the PGD and the PGS is the ability to detect genetically defective embryos before pregnancy occures.
Thanks to the care and knowledge of our specialists, the first healthy children in Latvia for parents with hemophilia were born in year 2012.
PGD is used use when one or both parents have a genetic disease. The testing is performed to determine whether it has been transmitted to the embryo.
Indications for PGD:
- couples where at least one partner has a genetic disorder;
- couples with repeated IVF failure;
- couples with history of recurrent pregnancy loss;
- severe male factor infertility (for example low sperm count);
- woman over the 35 years old and/or partner over the 45 years old.
“Your Doctors” private clinic offers these PGD procedures:
- PGD of 3 chromosomes (21, X, Y);
- PGD of 5 chromosomes (13, 18, 21, X, Y);
- PGD of 7 chromosomes (13, 16, 18, 21, 22, X, Y);
- PGD of 9 chromosomes (13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 21, 22, X, Y);
- PGD of 12 chromosomes (8, 9,13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, X, Y);
- determination of structural chromosomal abnormalities;
- determination of the number of sex chromosomes (X, Y);
- PGD for monogenic diseases.
PGS is used for screening for spontaneous aneuploidies (changes in the number of chromosomes) of an embryo whose parents are at increased risk group.
Indications for PGS:
- couples where at least one partner has a genetic disorder;
- couples with repeated IVF failure;
- couples with history of recurrent pregnancy loss;
- severe male factor infertility (for example a large number of abnormal sperm, low sperm count);
- woman over the 35 years old and/or partner over the 45 years old.
“Your Doctors” private clinic offers these PGS procedures:
- all chromosome aneuploidies;
- diagnostic test for Robertsonian translocation.